How to Choose the Right Conveyor Belt for the Job

The conveyor belt is the bloodstream of your production line. You have to choose the right belt, since this part is moving for hours on end, day after day. Using the correct, compatible belt also guarantees a long lifetime of use.

Here are things you should look for when selecting the right conveyor belt:

  1. Check for the operating tension

The conveyor belt is where your product, or parts of it, will move and be transported in different areas along the plant. Its tension must be set at an appropriate level, and it must be able to handle the load of the product for long durations. It needs proper calibration before any use. Also, take note of the following concerns:

  • If the power load has increased, check if the belt has been too worn down with use.
  • If the product load has increased, the conveyor may need to be upgraded
  • If the product weight has increased, check to see if the conveyor belt is catching on anything, such as pulleys, idlers or frames.

 Check the flow of the belt and the process

Checking the flow entails making sure that the belt is appropriate for the conveyor width. It should smoothly transition through the loading zones, drums, and pulleys where items must go. If you find that the belt doesn’t fit those secondary items, take into account that it is easier to replace the accessories rather than the belt itself.

You also need to know how far the conveyor will have to travel. By understanding the movement’s distance, you can adjust the conveyor belt by adjusting its length or tension.

  1. Always be on the lookout for wear and tear

Without the conveyor belt, production will come to a halt. It’s always good to be vigilant about the wear and tear as it will be running for hours without end. Can it still manage the load? Is it wearing down? Is the cover still intact? Consider that you may need to replace the belt once again to ensure smooth, faultless production.

The right tools for the job and the right parts for the right machine ensure problem-free production in manufacturing plants and factories. Learn more about finding those perfect fits by visiting KC Supply.

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Railcar Fall Protection: What It Is and Why You Need It

One aspect of work-safety protection that doesn’t get discussed often is railcar fall protection. For industries that make use of railcars or tankers, this part of the safety procedures and protocols need a great deal of focus and attention to detail. 

It’s a complicated process: it’s not about height, as most railcars don’t go higher than 15 feet, and it’s not about crowding either, as most rail yards are significantly less populated than manufacturing floors. However, falls can still happen, with workers who work on the surface of these cars being most at risk.

What the Regulations Say

While there are already OSHA regulations in place for fall protection and prevention for workers with duties and tasks at anywhere over four feet, railcar fall protection requires more attention. There will be 15 feet of height between the employee and the ground when they are working on the surface of the railcar.

According to current OSHA standards, current fall protection doesn’t specifically address the fall hazards, but mere personal protection equipment standards will not be enough to ensure employee safety. It’s acceptable only if the employee is working on top of a stock inside or against a building, where you can install fall protection.

Best Practices for Railcar Fall Protection

In accordance to regulation 1926.501(b), which is one of the guidelines for fall protection, “each employee on a walking/working surface of 6 feet or more above the lower levels shall be protected from falling by a guardrail system, safety net system, or personal fall arrest system.” In short, should there be an area where an employee must be working on top of a railcar, there must be an appropriate guardrail or netting system ready there for them when they are working.

It’s best to seek out a company that will be able to give you the right netting or guardrail system that can adequately protect employees from harm while working up on railcars, tankers, and other systems. Head to KC Supply and learn more about jobsite safety and equipment.

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Important Harvest Safety Tips for the Coming Season

Maxi-Lift conveying and elevating buckets

Fall is coming closer with each passing day, as summer days draw long, and farmers have begun to prepare for harvest safety. The process of gathering produce in time for the fall harvest in full swing requires the full cooperation of all the employees and farm workers. There is a risk for trouble arising unexpectedly, no matter how excellent the preparations may be, so farmers are being issued reminders by numerous organizations to keep any untoward incidents at bay.

Here are some safety tips for a successful harvest:

  • Thoroughly inspect farm equipment. Regular upkeep and maintenance must be performed on all the equipment that will be put to use during the fall harvest season. Even then, workers must carefully inspect every harvest equipment. Safety is important during all procedures, and equipment malfunction can lead to accidents towards one or more farmhands.
  • Stay hydrated. The heat remains as the days grow long. Record-high temperatures are being recorded throughout the country, with no signs of change even as the fall season approaches. Staying hydrated will keep farmhands and employees focused in spite of the blistering heat, keeping them alert and on the lookout as the harvest process goes on.
  • Have a plan for grain bin safety. Grain bins need to be one of the biggest concerns during harvest. Safety procedures around grain bins need to be put into place, and it’s important to check if the farm or the local fire department are making use of grain rescue tubes, such as the ones provided by KC Supply, which cuts down rescue times during incidents of employees and personnel getting trapped in grain silos and towers.
  • Provide proper training for all workers. Workers, both young and old, need to be adequately prepared for all contingencies. Young workers need to be carefully assessed if they are both physically and mentally capable of the work. Reteach proper harvest safety for veteran workers. Ensure everyone knows proper lifting practices and road safety during the harvest period.

These are just some of the important reminders for farms when it comes to the fall harvest season. Safety must remain the number one priority for everyone during this important time for farms everywhere. Discover more important safety tips as well as more information on the need for grain safety tubes by visiting KC Supply.

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Why We Believe in the Grain Rescue Tube

Believing in the use of a grain rescue tube addresses the issue of grain-storage related accidents.

Grain bin emergencies and incidents have risen through the past few years, and the tide is steadily turning towards the growing realization that there needs to be a grain rescue tube at hand in every fire department. Here’s why.

The Rise of Grain Bin Safety

As grain storage systems have advanced, the efforts and steps taken by both companies and authorities for grain rescue have also begun to ramp up. Nationwide’s National Grain Bin Safety Week is one such effort that aims to remind companies and suppliers all over the country that grain bin safety is essential for the welfare of all employees that work daily around one.

KC Supply’s Modern Safety Methods

Joining in Nationwide’s effort to better promote grain bin safety, KC Supply has stepped up to become one of the best-known suppliers of grain rescue tubes. Designed with modular styles, steps, and locking panels, the tubes provided by KC Supply greatly cut down the time it takes to rescue workers who are trapped in grain storage bins or tower dryers. The efficiency of the tubes combined with their increased durability is a modern advancement in grain rescue.

“(The tubes) slide easily through most grains,” says President Scott Moseley. The company ensures that its tubes will ultimately cut down response time as well as the need for extra insertion tubes.

Speed and Safety are Top Priorities

According to Fire Chief Johnny Craft of the Hugo Fire Department in Kinston, North Carolina, the department’s interest in the KC Supply grain tubes began during an ongoing emergency with trapped personnel in a grain bin. It had taken hours to remove the victim from the situation, and in his search for more efficient and less hazardous methods, he came upon the grain rescue tubes by KC Supply. Using the tube, the extraction of trapped personnel went down to 45-90 minutes, as opposed to hours in the previous methods.

KC Supply has proven its commitment to grain bin safety and continues to deliver grain bin rescue tubes to fire departments to make grain rescue missions more efficient. Head over to KC Supply and discover other safety means and methods we endorse.

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OSHA Summer Safety Emphasizes Hot Weather Safety Tips

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have ramped up this year’s OSHA Summer Safety campaigns. With the onset of summer, the risks and dangers of working in triple-degree weather have risen with the thermometer. Heat can be one of the biggest risks to any outdoor or indoor working environment. Without the proper precautionary measures, workers can be at risk for heat stress, exhaustion, or even heat stroke. Hence, OSHA is placing emphasis on the dangers of hot weather to the workplaces.

The Experts Weigh In

According to acting Assistant Secretary of Labor Jordan Barab, the extreme temperatures of the summer weather won’t just be uncomfortable; the conditions can also be life-threatening. OSHA Summer Safety has made it a point to issue bulletins and reminders to both employers and workers across the country about the proper safety measures to be taken when working in the summer weather.

OSHA reminds the workforce that high temperature, humidity, the lack of a sufficient supply of water, and physical stress can lead to a variety of health risks. This includes irrational behavior, loss of consciousness, confusion, and heatstroke.

OSHA Summer Safety Measures

OSHA has then ensured that their bulletins on Protecting Workers from the Effects of Heat as well as Working Outdoors in Warm Climates are properly disseminated among the workforce. Individual states’ Department of Health has reminded to take proper measures to protect their workers from extreme heat. Some great measures to combat heat stress include:

  • Avoiding drinks with caffeine, alcohol, or excessive sugar, which can cause workers to become dehydrated.
  • Providing workers with at least two to four cups of water every hour. Hydration is the key.
  • Limitations on outdoor work during the high-temperature points of noon and early afternoon. If possible, schedule frequent breaks in an air-conditioned area. It’s important to pace workers at high-heat moments.
  • Recommending colored and loose-fitting clothing, sunglasses, and sunscreen. It’s an excellent way to avoid sunburns.

OSHA Summer Safety has made great strides in keeping both employers and employees informed about the risks of high heat. By taking careful consideration of these precautions, employees and workers can stay protected against the dangerous risks of extreme heat.

To see more vital reminders and precautions to be taken in the workplace, head to and see how safety in the workplace can be taken even further.

#1 – Nationwide announces 2019 Grain Bin Rescue Tube recipients

#2  Tips on working safely in hot weather

#3 Grain Rescue Tube Article – Why we Believe    (See Attached)

#4 Harvest Safety Tips

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Nationwide Announces 2019 Grain Bin Rescue Tube Recipients


Grain bin safety and the usage of grain bin rescue tubes are concepts that do not often get the necessary precautions they need. Five years ago, there had been 38 documented entrapments in grain bins. In 2017 alone, there were 23-grain entrapment cases as well as nine falls into or from grain storage units. There were even cases of asphyxiations due to toxic surroundings and insufficient oxygen levels.

Numerous things can go wrong when working with grain storage, and that is precisely why Nationwide began the annual Grain Bin Safety Week.

Grain Bin Safety from Nationwide

Nationwide collaborates annually with the biggest industry leaders in agriculture, numerous professionals, and safety experts. KC Supply, which has its own line of grain bin rescue tube varieties, is one of the partners of Nationwide, committed to ensuring the health and safety of agricultural professionals across the country. Together, they launched Grain Bin Safety Week. The event highlights the possible risks and dangers of working around grain storage and the importance of proper safety practices around them.

In conjunction with Grain Bin Safety Week, Nationwide launched the Nominate Your Fire Department Contest which allows farmers and grain handlers from 26 states to nominate their local fire department. Selected fire departments will receive a grain bin rescue tube for their use, as well as all the proper training necessary to use it. This allows the fire department to be fully prepared in case of any more cases and incidents regarding grain bin storage and the workers around it.

This Year’s Winners

For 2019, 34 fire departments have won their own rescue tubes as well as training to receive it. Fire departments from New Jersey to Pennsylvania won the tubes.

Both Nationwide and KC Supply wholeheartedly congratulate the winners and are urging farmers and handlers all over the industry to continue promoting proper grain bin safety procedures.

To learn more about grain bin safety and other necessary equipment, head to and find further valuable information.



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