Happy Holidays, from KC Supply!

KC Supply would like to wish Happy Holidays to their beloved customers and clients!

It has been a long and challenging year. No one can deny that the country—and the whole world, for that matter—has experienced a massive upheaval this year. Businesses of all sizes have felt a significant impact on their processes, profits, human resources, and even the way they do business. Many of them were unable to withstand the massive economic and financial blows that numerous industries have endured. The ones who remain still weather on, holding together by virtue of arduous work, sacrifice, and fortitude.

Now, the end of this long year has almost arrived. And everyone, including the staff at KC Supply, is looking forward to happy holidays and the thought of a brighter future. KC Supply has tirelessly continued its work, supplying customers, clients, and industries with the parts, equipment, material, and guidance that they need in these uncertain times.

Part of what made KC Supply so resilient and strong in its continued work is the knowledge that they are helping to power the nation’s food and fuel supply, maintain it and keep Americans all across the country safe and fed in their homes, with heat, power, and a continuous supply of food still going the stores and markets.

For this, KC Supply would like to also thank the tireless essential businesses and industries for their ongoing, dedicated work. Through the unity of all these entities and businesses, households remain warm and lit, and there is food for everyone throughout this crisis. The work that they have done cannot possibly get understated: they have made brighter holidays possible.

KC Supply wishes Happy Holidays to all of the businesses and industries they have worked with, from supervisors to front line employees, all of whom have been the country’s backbone. With their help and everyone’s hard work and cooperation, people all over the country can continue to enjoy their holidays in the best ways possible.


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KC Supply Explains The Hybrid Butterfly Valve: What is it, and Why Do you Need it?

A hybrid butterfly valve may be common nowadays, but it wasn’t what was commonly used before.

Instead, truckers or people in heavy industries who work with industrial equipment are familiar with a basic butterfly valve. The purpose of a butterfly valve is to make a tight closure in an area where there isn’t much space.

It’s a rotary valve, and it works through a disk-shaped seating element, which then gets rotated by 90 degrees. This allows the valve to open or close the flow passage as needed. They’re often used in throttling services, especially where automatic actuators are needed. For a long time, butterfly valves have been the standard for use in this area.

The Game-Changer

Then came the hybrid butterfly valve. This version of the butterfly valve combines the standard durability found in a traditional seated butterfly valve. However, it can fit into even tighter spaces, as it’s sleeker, slimmer, and compact. It won’t be as bulky as the usual butterfly valves people have become accustomed to.

Durability and Strength

One of the reasons the traditional ones had been so popular is that they’re strong and durable for regular use. Butterfly valves often have strong sealing and make them ideal for controlling the pressure on different substances. It’s even suitable for use in high temperatures or low-pressure water service applications. But would a more compact, smaller, hybrid butterfly valve be able to do the same?

KC Supply explains that not only is the hybrid more compact, but it also remains stable. It can even handle usage with crude oil and refined fuel products. The valve is strong enough to handle several compatible liquids—even fertilizer! It works for both wet and dry applications, just like a standard wet/dry valve. Moreover, the hybrid valves these days can seamlessly replace other valves with no piping changes.

Streamlining the process and the business through a hybrid butterfly valve could be a significant game-changer in an industrial line’s efficiency and effectiveness. It’s certainly worth considering the upgrade.

KC Supply has decades of experience in managing equipment for heavy industries. Learn more about butterfly valves and hybrid valves at KCSupply.com.

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KC Supply Co Explains the Advantages of an Aboveground Storage Tank

Storage tanks are necessary for businesses in a wide range of industrials, from petroleum and chemical to agriculture and food. There are two types: the aboveground storage tank and the underground storage tank.  

 Both types have their pros and cons, but aboveground tanks have key advantages that make them better options. Here are four of them: 

They’re easier to inspect, maintain, and repair  

Keeping aboveground storage tanks in good shape is less difficult, time-consuming, and stressful than maintaining an underground tank. You don’t have to dig it up and climb down to gain access. Also, with underground tanks, leaks can go undetected for a long time. With aboveground tanks, you can quickly spot leaks and perform the repairs necessary.  

 Replacements are also much less time-intensive and costly because excavation does not need to be done. 

They last a long time    

How long an aboveground storage tank lasts depends on several factors, including the material it’s made of. Generally, aboveground tanks last longer than underground tanks because they’re not constantly exposed to moisture and other corrosive elements in the soil. Research shows that corrosion is the top cause of failure in underground storage tanks. 

They’re easy to relocate 

Some situations, such as new construction on your property, necessitate the relocation of storage tanks. To move an underground tank from one spot to another would entail applying for several permits and hiring a specialized crew to dig it out. Relocating an aboveground storage tank is much less stressful—you don’t have to worry about excavations or accidentally damaging the tank during removal.   

They’re cost-effective  

Aboveground storage tanks have lower installation costs than their below-ground counterparts. Because they require less labor, time, and specialized equipment to maintain, the long-term costs of ownership are lower.   

 If you decide to close down or move your business elsewhere, you may need to have your tank removed. The process is much more expensive than having an aboveground tank removed. Expenses can go even higher if, during an inspection, it’s determined that it has leaked.  

 Make an informed choice 

When deciding whether an above ground storage tank is the best option for your business, it helps to get input from an expert. Reach out to KC Supply Co today for more information on underground and aboveground storage tank solutions.  


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KC Supply Co Explains Four Key Differences Between Aboveground and Underground Storage Tanks

If you need to store large volumes of liquids, compressed gasses, or hazardous materials, you can opt for either an aboveground or underground storage tank. Both aboveground and underground storage tanks are considered bulk storage containers. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines bulk storage containers as any container used to store oil that has a capacity of at least 55 gallons.  

As its name suggests, an aboveground storage tank rests on top of the ground. Meanwhile, underground storage tanks are installed underground. Depending on what material they’re made of and what they’re going to store, underground tanks can be buried between 1.5 to 3 feet deep.   

Apart from placement, there are other ways that aboveground and underground storage tanks differ. Here are four examples: 

Setup costs 

It is generally costlier to set up an underground storage tank than an aboveground one. This is because installing underground storage tanks requires specialized equipment, multiple permits, and extensive excavation work.  

 In contrast, assembling and installing an aboveground tank does not require as much in terms of construction work or equipment. The regulations surrounding aboveground tanks are also much less stringent. 

Maintenance and repair 

Both aboveground and underground tanks require regular maintenance to keep them in good condition and extend their life. However, maintenance is trickier with underground storage tanks because they’re not easy to access as aboveground tanks. Repairs are also more difficult to address, especially when they require digging up the tank.  

Ease of leak detection 

Underground storage tank leaks are difficult to detect manually, and it’s possible to leak without having a clue about it. Undetected leaks are potentially dangerous to both humans and the environment. Leaks are easier to pinpoint with aboveground tanks, allowing you to take quick action before the problem worsens.  

Space requirements 

Aboveground storage tanks require a large amount of space, and some people consider them unsightly. For this reason, they’re often placed on flat, empty spaces such as open fields. This has the added benefit of reducing the possibility of hazardous materials entering surface water in case of a leak.  

An underground storage tank is hidden from sight underneath the earth. The area directly above can be utilized for other purposes. 

 Knowing the differences between aboveground and underground storage tanks will help you determine which type is best for your needs. For more information about liquid or gas bulk storage containers, contact KC Supply Co.  


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A Reminder from KC Supply: Watch Out for Workplace Accidents Due to Human Error!

KC Supply is well-versed in the fact that workplace accidents happen, often without warning. As people say, even the best-laid plans have their problems. There are so many health and safety guidelines imposed upon workplaces, particularly in heavy industries, to protect the well-being and safety of the personnel working within it. But what happens when the personnel themselves makes the problem?

How do you define human error? 

Human error is defined simply as issues or mishaps caused by a human and not a machine. If a human being was responsible for the mistake, it could immediately be classified as a human error, but it’s rarely that simple. Simply chalking up workplace accidents as the “fault” of a person can prevent constructive action from making sure that this sort of thing doesn’t happen again. People seem to believe that it’s a “free pass” for management by simply blaming human error. Not so: it’s essential also to seek out underlying causes. Human error should be seen as the consequence of a failure within a system itself.

What are the Common Causes for Human Error?

Preventing human error means taking a look at the common reasons it occurs. Prevention is better than a cure.

  • Memory lapses
  • Inattention/distraction
  • Inadequate skill level
  • Impaired judgment
  • A false sense of security

The Fix

So how do companies avoid workplace accidents, especially the ones caused by human error? Experts recommend ensuring that personnel is well-trained and well-informed. It’s vital to make sure that everyone working in the industrial space is aware of the safety protocols, follow them to the letter, and fully understand the consequences of what happens otherwise. Supervisors also need to be more vigilant, monitor and control areas more comprehensively, and retrain when necessary. They can even recommend skill development training to ensure that everyone is competent at what they are doing. Most of all, frequent safety inspections and audits can contribute significantly to maintaining the reduced rate of workplace accidents.

Human errors can happen, but they are also avoidable, especially with the right safety equipment to back them up. Visit KC Supply to find critical safety equipment that can help keep personnel out of harm’s way.

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KC Supply Co on Fall Protection: Why Is it So Important to Be Prepared?

For KC Supply Co, there’s never a wrong time to discuss fall protection. Sadly, it’s still something that has been commonly taken too lightly in many industrial and agricultural areas. 

Falls are a massive risk to the health and safety of the personnel working on-site and place a significant security risk to a company if prevention against falls isn’t adequately addressed. 

Here’s why it is important to minimize danger: 

Falls are among the leading cause of fatalities in the workplace.

Take it from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, who says that falls are included in the most common cause of fatal work-related injuries. 

Adding adequate fall protection cuts down the risks of injuries and deaths, keeping the workforce feeling safe and secure in their jobs. It motivates them to work harder and better.

Prevention is better than cure.

Even the best, most conscientious employee can make a mistake. And it only takes one accident to get significant workplace injuries and situations, causing plenty of medical bills and repairs, along with potential lawsuits and fines. Larger companies have trouble handling such situations, which means smaller enterprises are even less able to handle the damages.

Instead of setting aside funds for such instances, companies are advised to prevent them instead. Being prepared and installing the correct fall protection protocols and fixtures around the work area will ensure everyone’s safety. It will also help companies dodge huge penalties imposed by OSHA on companies that show evidence of their negligence in this regard.

When it comes to fall protection, companies should never skimp or cut corners. Above all else, the staff and personnel’s safety at the job site should be the most critical priority. With workers safe to do their jobs as quickly and as efficiently as possible, there’s fewer injuries, less danger, and more profit.

Looking for more efficient ways to ensure worker safety and security in OSHA-compliant ways? Visit KC Supply to learn more.


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