Are Your Ladders Compliant? OSHA and ANSI Ladder Requirements

Though ladders don’t seem like the most dangerous tools in the industrial field, KC Supply has repeatedly emphasized is the importance of safety when working in heights. Even when personnel climb ladders, safety precautions should remain in place.

The Numbers

The CDC has reported that 20% of workers across all industries have had accidents or falls on ladders. It’s exceptionally high among construction workers. Overall, 81% of falls in emergency rooms come from ladders. Any business with workers on ladders needs to remain vigilant on ladders safety based on these numbers alone.

OSHA Requirements and ANSI Regulations

Some of the crucial requirements and regulations for ladders of all types include:

General Rungs and Steps Requirements:

  • Ladder rungs and steps should not be spaced less than 10 inches and not more than 14 inches apart.
  • Fixed rungs and steps on telecommunication towers must be spaced not more than 18 inches apart.
  • There must be a minimum clear width of 11.5 inches on portable ladders and 16 inches for fixed ladders.

General Ladder Requirements:

  • Wooden ladders must not be coated with materials that obscure structural defects.
  • Metal ladders must be made with corrosion-resistant material.
  • All ladder surfaces must be free of puncture and laceration hazards.
  • Workers must only use ladders for the purpose for which they were designed.

Fixed Ladders:

  • Ladders must support the maximum intended load.
  • Grab bars should not protrude on the climbing side beyond the ladder’s rungs.
  • Grab bars must extend 42 inches above the access level or landing platforms.
  • Ladders that have a pitch greater than 90-degrees should not be used.

Portable Ladders:

  • All rungs and steps must be corrugated, knurled, dimpled, coated with skid-resistant material, or any other method to minimize slippage risks.
  • Workers should never load ladders beyond the maximum intended load.
  • Workers must use no single-rail ladders.
  • Stepladders’ top step and caps should not be used nor function as steps.
  • Ladders should not be placed on boxes, barrels, or other unstable bases.

 The full list is extensive. But KC Supply believes that a vast majority of them are crucial to preventing accidents and falls on ladders and are worth knowing.

It’s not enough to simply have safety equipment. You also have to be well-informed on the regulations. To find more critical safety precautions and important OSHA guidelines, visit


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KC Supply Reminds Businesses of Lockout/Tagout Procedures

Lockout/tagout procedures are rigorously implemented in any workplace for a reason. For KC Supply, staying safe in the workplace is a thorough knowledge of the safety procedures for specific situations, such as handling and operating machinery for hazardous energy. The lockout/tagout procedures are critical in maintaining a safe working environment when working around machines.

Lockout/Tagout Procedures to Remember

  • Ensure that all workers are aware and prepared for the shutdown. Everyone in the surrounding area should have already been trained or received proper instruction on hazardous-energy-awareness, as well as the sources.
  • All affected employees should be notified. Ensure that everyone is paying attention to know that the lockout is about to begin.
  • Shut down the equipment in a safe and orderly manner. Depending on the machinery used, employees should follow the careful steps precisely in the shutdown manner. Always consult with the equipment-specific procedures or the machine’s operating manual.
  • Isolate all hazardous energy sources. During this part of the lockout/tagout procedure, take extreme precautions. Ensure that the circuit breaker or valve has gotten completely isolated to prevent any risk of accidents.
  • Apply lockout/tagout devices to the energy sources. For example, use specific logs and tags. No one else except assigned personnel to each of the locks and tags can do this procedure, nor can anyone else remove or move the locks and tags unless with complete approval from a supervisor.
  • Release any stored energy. This could be excess steam, hydraulic energy, and other types. No energy should be in the area before you move the equipment.
  • Test the controls and return them to the off position. This is the final phase of the lockout/tagout procedures. You need to test the controls to ensure that they are disconnected, are nonfunctional, and have no risk of an accidental restart. Once you’ve confirmed it’s shut down, you can return the control to the off position.

KC Supply emphasizes the need for intense precautions during the lockout/tagout procedure because of the hazardous energy that could put everyone at risk. To learn more about crucial workplace safety, visit KC Supply’s website.


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KC Supply on PPE Selection & Hazard Assessments

Before making a PPE selection among the different variants in the market, certain conditions and situations about the nature of your work and your employees’ work need to be considered. This is critical to ensure that you can select the correct variation of PPE that will give you and your employees the ideal protection.

  • Sizing: Excellent fit matters when using PPE. Consider the side range available to you and how well they’ll fit the employees who need to wear them. A complete protective seal is crucial.
  • Kit Weight: Some PPEs are made of different materials from others used for specialized applications. However, that could also make them heavier. Before making a PPE selection, consider the weight of the whole suit put together and think about whether your workers will be able to move and do their work for long periods while wearing the PPE.
  • Workplace Hazards: What kind of dangers do you expect to find in the working area? As mentioned, different PPE have different functions. Select a kit that will give you plenty of flexibility if you expect general workplace protection. Meanwhile, if you expect your workers to work in areas with hazardous gases, choose PPE that works best against that specific hazard.
  • Reputable Distributor: Many PPE types are available now, but remember that you need to check if you’re getting the real deal and not a cheap knockoff before making your PPE selection. In the case of workplace safety and protecting your employees from hazards, you do get what you pay for. Choose PPE that is made by authentic brands and distributed by reputable resellers or shops.

Making a PPE selection is more than just choosing a protective suit. Remember that your workers’ lives are at risk, and that is what the PPE should defend them against. Find quality PPE selections and more by visiting KC Supply.

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KC Supply Co on How To Choose the Right Safety Harness

When selecting a safety harness for your workplace, there are several considerations you have to make before making a purchase.

  • Understand the basics of safety harnesses. 

The safety harness you select should cover the vital areas of the body. Its purpose is to shield a worker from injury from falling from great heights and keep them upright. Find harnesses that have positioned D-rings that are used to anchor a worker to lifelines. This is the most vital part and purpose of a harness.

  • Understand the different types of safety harnesses. 

What kind of work does your company do? The activity will dictate the type of safety harness you need. There are:

  • Fall arrest harnesses: Stops workers from falling.
  • Ladder climbing: The D-ring is located in the front to facilitate workers climbing up.
  • Descent control: Think of it like rock climbing—the harness is meant to help a worker safely go down from a great height.
  • Confined space entry: This is a critical harness for workers entering small spaces or going into grain bins.
  • Suspension/rigging harnesses: If your work involves ropes, towers, rescue, and other similar jobs involving workers getting suspended up in heights and working there, you need this one.
  • Consider your workers and their comfort. 

Who among your colleagues or employees will be wearing the safety harness? Consider their convenience when wearing this harness. They will be wearing the harness for extended periods. Furthermore, comfort matters because the harness fits them correctly and won’t cause them injury should an incident occur.

  • Don’t skimp out on the price. 

With a safety harness, you get what you pay for. A single harness could mean life or death for a worker wearing it. The cost of the harness reflects the superiority of the material and quality of it, and therefore it’s more reliable. Remember that you’re placing lives at stake with this harness.

Safety harnesses are critical components of workplace safety, especially in situations involving rigging and suspension. Remember to consult with specialists if you’re not sure of the correct type of harness to get. Contact KC Supply today and find out more about harnesses.

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KC Supply Explains Common Confined Space Hazards

Confined space hazards are seen as a critical threat to many farmers and workers in the agricultural industry. While methods in modern farming have given rise to many conveniences and improved efficiency, especially during the harvest season, they also created the risk of confined spaces that could lead to accidents or critical situations.

Gas Hazards

Confined space is hazardous when gases are involved. In a closed-off location with no windows or adequate airflow, dangerous gases could gather and lead to a worker’s suffocation or even death. There are many different types of gases found on a farm that could pose a risk to farmers.

One gas-related confined space hazard is hydrogen sulfide, formed when manure (used for fertilizer) decomposes. Because of this, farmers need to ensure that areas that have the presence of this type of gas have adequately ventilated spaces to work in.

Dust Hazards

Another familiar danger to farmers in agriculture is dust. Dust, particularly during grain harvest, is an extraordinarily flammable or combustible substance. This dust accumulates as grain is harvested, gathered, and contained. Furthermore, the dust can be highly hazardous to the lungs, causing respiratory problems among workers.

Because of the risk, farmers need to ensure that grain storage spaces are clean and dry. Furthermore, to reduce the likelihood of respiratory damage from these confined space hazards, any workers in the area should be wearing oxygen masks and have tanks to facilitate their breathing.

Further Precautions and Reminders

It’s important to ventilate any confined space before entering the area. This eliminates the accumulation of gases or dust in the area. If possible, workers should first test the atmosphere of the confined space to check if it’s safe to work within it.

Finally, an essential precaution is communication between the workers inside the space and those outside it. This way, someone is always aware of what is going on in the space and if the worker inside needs immediate aid.

Discover more important reminders and regulations about dealing with workplace hazards by visiting KC Supply for more resources.


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KC Supply Gives Reminders on Dump Pit Safety

During the harvest season, dump pit safety comes to the forefront of concerns for people in the agriculture sector. As work will increase substantially, so does the risk around the different equipment and tools used for the harvest. Workers need to be especially vigilant around the dump pit, as accidents are more likely to happen.

  • Never walk in front of the vehicle — Even if the vehicle does not appear to be in gear, if it is moving or stationary, never walk in front of it just in case.
  • The driver must know where you are at all times — If you’re working around the vehicle, makes sure that the driver is aware of your presence. Dump pit safety rules require drivers and workers to be aware of each other’s presence and location.
  • Use safety zones when working around vehicles — Ensure that all the workers and drivers know where the designated “safety zone” is around the dump pit. This should be the only area where employees can stand close to the large vehicle or perform a task around it.
  • If there are any issues with the dumping mechanism, make sure the operator is aware — Inform the driver of the vehicle or the workers around it and stand aside while trying to determine the best way to resume flow.
  • Absolutely no smoking around the dump pit — It’s critical for dump pit safety to prevent any smoking or the use of lighters and similar devices. If the dump pit is holding grain, it could be incredibly flammable and pose the risk of an explosion.
  • Do not begin hoisting until instructed, do not move the vehicle until the operator signals an OK — The dump pit is a massive vehicle, and it can pose a tremendous risk to the workers around it, especially if it’s carrying a substantial amount of grain. Operator and driver must be in good contact and signal to one another before any movement with the vehicle is made.

This harvest season, enforce the dump pit safety rules to prevent accidents and minimize the hazards to workers and equipment alike. Harvest can proceed smoothly and safely.

Visit KC Supply to find more resources if youre looking for more vital safety information and equipment during harvest season.

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